Brooklyn, NY, dentists offer periodontal care

How You Can Improve Your Gum Health This Year

The beginning of a new year is a great time to start working on new goals for yourself. For many people, this includes realigning themselves to focus on their health. When you think about your well-being, you may place an emphasis on working out and eating well. As you make new goals for your health and wellness for 2025, don’t forget about your oral health, too! If you’ve been meaning to talk to your dentist about treatments for gum disease, now is a great time to do so. Your team at Brooklyn Periodontics and Implantology in Brooklyn, NY, can help diagnose and manage your symptoms of gum disease so you can have an overall healthier smile.

Start The New Year With A Trip To The Dentist

If you weren’t able to see your dentist before the busy holiday season, it’s not too late. You can schedule an appointment at the beginning of the year to have a fresh start. When you come in for your visit, we’ll examine your oral cavity to look for signs of bleeding, gingival pocket depth, and more to determine the severity of your gum disease. We can then take diagnostic X-rays, determine the stage of infection, and create a treatment plan that best suits your needs.

Follow Through With Periodontal Cleanings

If you’ve been diagnosed with a stage of periodontal disease, you will need deep cleanings to help you manage your symptoms. These cleanings are more in-depth than your standard prophylaxis at your checkup. They help to remove plaque and tartar from the gumline and smooth the roots of your teeth to avoid recession. Laser treatments can help make the process of scaling and root planing more efficient and comfortable for the patient. The calibrated light can help remove harmful bacteria that causes periodontal disease, while protecting the soft tissues of your mouth. Depending on the severity of the infection, you may need several of these each year to protect your oral health.

Practice An Improved Routine At Home

Regularly scheduled deep cleanings are a great way to manage your symptoms of gum disease, but it’s not the only step you should be taking towards healthier gums. If you have gingivitis or another stage of periodontitis, it’s important that you also practice an effective hygiene routine at home. This includes brushing and flossing at least twice a day, eating well, and staying hydrated. Brushing and flossing can help remove food particles, prevent plaque buildup, and keep your breath feeling fresh. Remember to also drink plenty of water throughout the day to improve saliva production and avoid dry mouth, which can contribute to bad breath. If you have any questions about gum disease or your oral health, our team is here to help.

Schedule An Appointment With Our Team Today

Keeping your gums healthy can protect the long-term well-being of your smile. To learn more about periodontal treatments, contact your Brooklyn, NY, periodontists today at (718) 444-3800.