brooklyn periodontics

How We Save Your Smile With Periodontics

With periodontics, our team can provide treatment to prevent or manage periodontal disease, so you can avoid discomfort and the risk of tooth loss. We want to make sure you can enjoy good oral health and a smile that makes you feel confidence. In today’s blog, your Brooklyn, NY, periodontist talks about our approach to periodontics, which allows us to treat and manage issues like periodontal disease to keep your smile strong and whole for years to come.

The Causes of Periodontal Disease

What causes periodontal disease? The problem starts with inflammation, also known as gingivitis. When the gums become inflamed, this can eventually cause them to pull away from the teeth. As deep pockets form, disease-causing bacteria can enter them to cause periodontal disease. At this stage, there is no cure, but care is necessary to manage it and prevent issues like tooth loss. Factors behind inflammation could include plaque and tartar buildup, poor brushing and flossing habits, as diets high in sugar, tobacco use, and infrequent professional cleanings. Inflammatory illness, certain medications, and a family history of the disease are also common factors.

The Symptoms and Complications

You may need to see us for periodontic care when you notice your gums appear red, feel sore, bleed easily, or pull away from the teeth, receding to make teeth appear long and uneven. Lack of care enables the disease to reach a more advanced stage. Periodontitis could then develop, which destroys the connective tissues keeping your teeth in place and as a result, causing tooth loss. To keep your smile whole and avoid discomfort, you need care to manage the issue. This starts with an initial examination using advanced imaging technology!

Examining Your Smile

With CT and digital x-ray technology, our team can take a close look at your smile. We want to look for the common warning signs of periodontal disease, and to assess the extent of the disease. We also want to identify any underlying bone and tissue damage caused by periodontal disease. From there, we can plan treatment for your smile, so we can manage the disease and help your smile stay whole and healthy for years to come. We can also offer solutions to issues like gum recession.

Laser Treatment

We have multiple dental laser systems that can help improve your smile. These are soft tissue lasers that have been calibrated to offer periodontal treatment. We use them to remove the diseased portions of the gums. In the process, we can reshape and improve the gum line too. The technology rarely requires anesthesia, and can remove tissues without the need for scalpels and sutures, so the areas heal quickly too. In fact, you can often return to your normal routine in as little as 24 to 48 hours.

What if your gums have receded? Treating recession is crucial, as this could expose the roots and increase the risk of tooth decay and infection, and even tooth loss. But with gum grafts, we can cover the exposed portions of the teeth to restore the gum line to improve the health and beauty of your smile, often in only one visit.

PRP Healing

Our team also wants to facilitate healing following treatment, particularly for the underlying bone and connective tissues. To do so, we can administer Platelet Rich Plasma, a unique autoplasm that can heal these areas and strengthen them, so you recover from your treatment quicker and return to your normal activities. If you have missing teeth and we secure one or more dental implants, this also helps the placement area heal faster, so we can come forward with attaching a crown or denture and completing your new tooth or teeth, so you can smile with confidence and enjoy your favorite foods again.

If you have any questions about how we use periodontics to treat your disease and manage it, or if you have missing teeth that could be replaced with our durable and lifelike dental implants, then contact our team today to learn more. You deserve a full and beautiful smile, one that stays healthy and strong, and we can help.

Improve Your Gum Health with Your Brooklyn, NY, Periodontist

We want to help your gums stay strong and free of disease, so you can avoid tooth loss and maintain an attractive smile. To schedule an appointment and start your care, contact your Brooklyn, NY, periodontist by calling (718) 444-3800. With periodontic care, we can offer better smile comfort and health, and preserve your teeth to avoid tooth loss and other major complications.