brooklyn perio diagnosis

How We Diagnose Periodontal Disease

When you begin to notice any changes to your gums, we want to see you for a diagnostic visit and consultation. Addressing the disease early on can help you avoid discomfort and tooth loss. In today’s blog, your Brooklyn, NY, periodontist talks about how we diagnose periodontal disease and offer healthy smiles again.

Causes and Common Symptoms

How does periodontal disease form? The issue starts with inflammation, also known as gingivitis, which can be caused by factors like a diet high in sugar and starch, poor brushing and flossing habits, and lack of professional cleanings, which enables buildup to form and irritate the gum tissues. In addition, a family history of the disease is a common factor, as is tobacco use, inflammatory illness, or the use of certain medications. Symptoms often begin as sore, red gums and bleeding when you brush and floss. As the disease grows in severity, your teeth could appear long as the gums recede, and eventually, you could risk loose or missing teeth. Don’t ignore these symptoms, contact our team right away for an exam and diagnosis, so we can start you on the path to a strong and healthy smile.

Digital Imaging Technology

We want to look at the surfaces of your gums, yes. But we also want to look at your identifying root and bone structure. Any deterioration in these structures could let us know the severity of the disease, and help us choose the most appropriate treatment plans. Digital x-rays use 90% less radiation and don’t require the use of bitewings. The images will be available instantly chairside, and will be high-definition. CT technology also provides clear images using a fraction of the radiation, so we can make a diagnosis with precision and accuracy.

Moving Forward with Treatment

Following your diagnosis, we could offer a scaling and root planing to manage the early stages and keep your smile strong. For more severe cases, we could employ dental lasers to trim away the diseased portions of the gums and to destroy pockets of harmful bacteria in the process. We have procedures to address receding gums too, reshaping your gumline in the process. We also have treatments like Platelet Rich Plasma to help the areas heal quickly too. If you have any questions about how we diagnose and manage issues like periodontal disease with advanced technology, or if you have symptoms that need immediate attention, then contact our team today to learn more.

Schedule Your Diagnostic Visit with Your Brooklyn, NY, Periodontist

We would like to help you maintain good gum health and a full smile with our periodontal treatment options and imaging technologies. To schedule an appointment and start your care, contact your Brooklyn, NY, periodontist by calling (718) 444-3800.