brooklyn dental implants

Replacing Missing Teeth With Implant Dentistry

brooklyn dental implants

When you have missing teeth, we can help. Our team can manage the common underlying causes, such as periodontitis, and move forward with replacement for both minor and severe tooth loss. In fact, we can sometimes offer same-day dental implants! In today’s blog, your Brooklyn, NY, periodontists and implant experts look at dental implant benefits.

The Dental Implant

A dental implant is a tooth replacement option that looks and functions like a natural tooth. For example, while traditional replacement options rely on crowns, clasps, or suction to stay in place, we will actually insert a biocompatible titanium post into the jaw, which acts as a new root. The body will accept it as such, which stimulates the growth of jawbone structure to prevent the gradual breakdown that usually compilates tooth loss. We then attach the restoration or prosthetic to address the visible portion of your new tooth. Once in place, these can remain for decades to come, possibly even a lifetime with proper care and attention.

In-House Placement

We are proud to offer a tooth replacement option that preserves your smile and restores function and beauty to your smile again. While some practices may have you go to other locations or offices for the placement portion, we complete every step of the procedure in-house. We have talented oral surgeons and implant experts on our team, and we can carefully plan the procedure with diagnostic digital imagery, so we choose the right angle, position, and death to insert your new implant posts, creating a base to secure your new smile. We then move forward with completing the tooth with a restoration, sometimes in the same visit!

Same-Day Placement

Typically, there is a waiting period of months in between the placement of the post and the attachment of the abutment and crown to complete the tooth, as the placement area needs to heal first. But our team can complete this same-day with immediate-load dental implants. Essentially, once we insert the new root into your jaw, we will connect an abutment and a temporary crown, so you leave with a full smile. In the meantime, we will complete your custom crown, one designed to fit your smile and offer a lifelike appearance. When you return, we will swap the temporary of the final restoration. At no point are you left with an incomplete smile, as we can ensure a full smile same-day for qualifying patients.


Our team can also address severe tooth loss, replacing the entire row of teeth with dentures. Our team can gently extract the last few teeth and take detailed images of the smile to plan the placement of your posts. With All-On-Four, our team will only place four unique posts per arch, which can support dentures with less jawbone structure. In the same visit, we will connect the dentures to the posts so you have a full smile again. These fixed dentures don’t need to be removed for cleaning or soaking, and can last for decades to a lifetime in some cases. They never slip when you eat or speak, and the posts prevent the further degradation of the jaw, preserving your new smile.

Strengthening Your Smile

If you have lost teeth and time has passed since then, your jaw could lose mass and density, which means there may not be enough structure to adequately support one or more dental implants. But we can help! With jawbone grafting, we can add structure to the lower jaw to fortify it and allow us to support new posts. For the upper jaw, we can raise the sinus floor to uncover new structures and move forward with implant placement. When a tooth is extracted, we can also conduct a ridge/socket preservation to prevent changes to the area before we can insert your dental implant posts. Our team will also employ advanced technology in the planning process, and can 3D print the crowns and prosthetics in-office with advanced systems too. With treatments like PRP, we can shorten the period needed for healing following extraction and implant placement.

If you have any questions about how we conduct tooth replacement with one or more dental implants, or how we can strengthen your smile beforehand, then contact our team today. Don’t live with missing teeth and poor quality of life, contact our team today to learn more about our replacement options, so we can help you smile with confidence!

Schedule a Visit for Dental Implants with Your Brooklyn, NY, Periodontist

Our team wants to help you obtain a full smile and enjoy better oral health and bite function at the same time. To schedule an appointment for implant dentistry, contact your Brooklyn, NY, periodontist by calling (718) 444-3800.